How-To Easily Determine Which Date-of-Service is Outstanding on a Patient Account
SOS Product: Office Manager for Windows
You may get a call from a client wanting to know which dates of service are still outstanding on his/her account as well as how much is outsanding on each date. easisert way to tell is to bring up the By-Charge Ledger for the client.
Here’s the process:
- Go to the Active Patient List
- Highlight the client, then click on the Ledger icon (Little Book.) located at ?
- Click the ledger by charge icon (Dollar Sign.)
- If the view is not collapsed, click on the Collapse All icon (3 to 1 square.) This will show only the charges. Any charges in black are fully paid and anything in red has an outstanding balance.
- If you need to know which payers have a balance, click on the plus sign (+) in front of the date-of-service and it will show you which payers have an outstanding balance and how much.
While you are on the phone or the client is at the window, the data is quickly accessed and it will save you time.