Running the SOS SQL Anywhere 11 Database as a Windows Service


The following instructions are applicable to SOS 2010 and later. Earlier versions of SOS require slightly different command lines. See:


The primary reason to configure the SOS SQL Anywhere database to run as a service is that it will continue to run even if nobody is logged into the server computer. […]

Help system for SOS does not work in Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8

On a stock Window Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 computer, attempts to access the built-in help system in SOS modules will result in an error message, stating that your current version of Windows does not support the program’s help system. The needed help system software is available on the Microsoft Downloads site, from which […]

(#217) – Moving SOS to a New Computer

The following instructions are for standalone installations, where the application software and the database are on one computer. For server migration, this article should be consulted.

Many practices are finding that their old hardware has become outdated. While those old machines have provided excellent service, they have become too slow, too limited in RAM, and […]

Performance Tip: Match Server CPU and RAM to the Number of Users on Your System


If you call SOS with a complaint about software performance, the first thing a technician will check is the amount of RAM you have configured for the database to use for cache. The larger your cache, the more of your database that can be copied from the relatively slow hard drive to much […]

(#210) System Recommendations for SOS 2010 through 2015

The following recommendations should deliver adequate performance in each indicated category. If your implementation is particularly demanding, you want better than just “adequate” performance, or your database is large, you should increase both RAM and processor speed to compensate. Simultaneous usage of resource-hungry applications such as Microsoft Office also demand more RAM.

Windows 32 […]