Running the SOS SQL Anywhere 11 Database as a Windows Service


The following instructions are applicable to SOS 2010 and later. Earlier versions of SOS require slightly different command lines. See:


The primary reason to configure the SOS SQL Anywhere database to run as a service is that it will continue to run even if nobody is logged into the server computer. […]

How-To Easily Determine Which Date-of-Service is Outstanding on an Account

How-To Easily Determine Which Date-of-Service is Outstanding on a Patient Account SOS Product: Office Manager for Windows Introduction

You may get a call from a client wanting to know which dates of service are still outstanding on his/her account as well as how much is outsanding on each date. easisert way to tell is to […]

Investigating Database Locks

Whenever a user initiates an action that asserts an exclusive lock on a table, or even a single row in a table, it will cause other users trying to change or save data to the locked table or row to be “blocked” — forced to wait until the first user concludes the action. While blocked, […]

How to enable BitLocker even if your computer does not have TPM

TPM is a chip that is included on higher end business-oriented computers. If present, it is used by BitLocker.

If you don’t have TPM in your computer, you can still use BitLocker if you follow the steps below (from a post on ).

How to Configure Computer to Enable BitLocker without Compatible TPM:

Administrators […]

VeraCrypt (TrueCrypt) won’t let me encrypt my system drive

SOS users are often reminded of the importance of disk encryption to keep their precious data safe in the event of computer loss or theft. For many years we have been recommending use of TrueCrypt, which now has been re-born as VeraCrypt, or Microsoft’s BitLocker feature (Available in Pro and Enterprise versions of Windows).

Here’s […]

SOS Database Encryption


By default, the SOS database is not encrypted, though the physical layout of the database files is such that assembling a coherent record of data would be difficult. Nonetheless, inspection of the database files could reveal identifying information, so some level of encryption is recommended in most all situations, and always if the database […]

Electronic Billing of Secondary Insurance Claims

Coordination of Benefits (COB) among multiple insurance carriers is a significant service you provide to some of your clients. Many of you appear to be having difficulties with claims for secondary carriers in your electronic filing with Emdeon. I will walk you through the process so you are clear about how to bill secondary […]

Entering Charges Using New CPT Codes

The 2013 CPT codes must be entered manually in your SOS software. SOS does not provide CPT codes nor does it update your CPT codes list. SOS 2013 does, however, provide a new feature to make adding a new entry to your list of services quick and easy.

If any of the CPT codes that […]

Help system for SOS does not work in Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8

On a stock Window Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 computer, attempts to access the built-in help system in SOS modules will result in an error message, stating that your current version of Windows does not support the program’s help system. The needed help system software is available on the Microsoft Downloads site, from which […]

Emdeon- Electronic Claims Module

SOS Electronic Claims – ANSI Module for Emdeon tm

Filing claims electronically is designed to save you and your payers time and money. In order to make that happen, claims must meet certain standards. Paper filing is more forgiving than electronic filing can be; a human being is never involved in the electronic […]